Dit jaar bestaat Moustache 10 jaar en dat moet gevierd worden!
Opening Van De 1e ‘Galerie Moustache A 10 Ans’
van 2 Tot 26 Juli In Frankfurt
Franse Kaas En Wijn
Laten we ons 10-jarig bestaan vieren!
Live kunstshow – met Sakew + gast
Woensdag 13 juli – van 17 u. tot 22 u.
Donderdag 14 juli – van 17 u. tot 22 u.
Vrijdag 15 juli – van 17 u. tot 22 u.
Maak kennis met ons team en de geschiedenis van ons 100% elektrische merk, dat wordt vervaardigd in de Vogezen.
Ervaar onze Franse ‘Art de Vivre’, ontdek onze meest iconische e-bikes en ook een aantal van onze belangrijke artistieke samenwerkingen van de afgelopen jaren.
Kartel ??
Kartel is a street artist and designer, also member of the young generation of street art in Berlin, in Germany.
Kartel‘s work always moves thematically between nostalgia and the present. Inspired by everyday life and elementary artefacts of our society. In the process, familiar design boundaries between tradition, craftsmanship and digital design are broken and transformed into a new context.
Sakew ??
Loïck Gravier aka Sakew is a French artist native of Epinal (Vosges).
After studying sociology, he became a full-time painter and took the name Sakew in 2013.
Fascinated since his childhood by animals, the world of machines and Manga-style drawings, he later discovered Graffiti. He is a self-made artist whose universe is heavily influenced by his interest in science-fiction and the urban world surrounding him.