The assembly and shipment of your
Moustache bikes in Turbo mode!

Looking forward to receiving your new Moustache?!
We turn the "Turbo" mode on to satisfy you!

Be sure, we do our best to satisfy you as soon as possible.

With the resumption of activity and the new constraints related to the COVID-19, bicycles appear as an ideal alternative to public transportation.

In these unusual times, the unlockdown means that life is slowly restarting and many of us are preparing tomorrow’s world. A world where step by step, we are leaving our car in the garage and moving to a bicycle!

Today, we received lots of questions from friends, colleagues, family… who think about taking the plunge and buying an electric bike.
Nothing pleases us more than this, because at Moustache Bikes we are convinced that the electrically assisted bicycle represents an incredible opportunity for the development of bicycle use! Whether in urban use, on a casual ride or in a more sporty use, EAB is a source of pleasure! This is what motivates us even more and pushes us to innovate and bring Moustache’s values to life.


Our production being mainly local, we were able to quickly re-open the assembly-lines while respecting the sanitary measures. It’s been more than a month now, that our teams have been redoubling their efforts to ensure production and logistics at our HQ in Thaon-les-Vosges.


At the same time you’re reading these few lines, your new Moustache bike may be packing up by Priscilla, Franck, Mickaël, or being assembled by Camille, Hélène, Jordan or one of our 50 assemblers. Behind their masks, they are the ones who take turns from Monday to Friday from 6am to 8.30pm.

Always with the same desire to do well and the same attention to detail; at Moustache, every single person puts their heart into their work, so that riding one of our bikes will get you stoked. On a daily basis, 220 bikes are assembled and no less than 350 are shipped from our warehouse by Anthony’s team to your stores located in 35 different countries.

Resting on our laurels is not our style. To keep up the pace, we decided to turn the Turbo mode on ! By the end of June, 20 new operators will join the team and we will open a new assembly line. The target is to reach a production capacity of 300 bikes per day within the next months.

In this context and despite our best efforts, you may receive your bike with a slight delay. We understand that you are looking forward to receiving it and you can’t wait to pedal on your “Smiling Machine”! Be sure, we do our best to satisfy you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your trust and patience! ;-{D

See you soon on the roads and trails!

The Moustache Team

09 June 2020

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