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Comment régler mon rythme de pédalage avec la transmission Enviolo Automatiq ?

Your J Automatiq is preset to 65 pedal revolutions per minute, so your pedaling rhythm will be constant whatever the conditions.

There’s no need to force yourself because you forgot to change gear before a traffic light or when approaching a hill!

You’ll always restart in the right gear and pedal effortlessly and efficiently.

If your comfort rhythm is slower or faster, you can adjust it precisely from the Enviolo Automatiq app or your Bosch computer.

Change cadence via the Enviolo Automatiq app

The Enviolo Automatiq app lets you set your cadence/pedaling rhythm and adjust the start after stop.

Changing cadence via your Bosch computer

Another option for adjusting cadence is to use the eShift function on your Bosch computer.


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